Edgewood Community is a safe and caring environment nurturing a diverse community of lifelong learners.
Edgewood Community offers a strong academic program that emphasizes basic skills through an integrated curriculum approach. In a positive, caring environment, children are given responsibility for their behavior. We emphasize communication between home and school.
Instructional Highlights
Edgewood Elementary offers a strong academic program that emphasizes basic skills through an integrated curriculum approach. In a positive, caring environment, children are given responsibility for their behavior. We also emphasize communication between home and school.
- Whole group, small group, and individual instruction
- Integrated curriculum (across curricular areas)
- Thematic approach
- A variety of instructional approaches, techniques and strategies are utilized to meet the individual needs of each learner.
- Whole language, phonics and literature-based approach to teaching reading
- Students may be grouped by skill level for certain core academics
- Technology integration
Staff Highlights
Specially trained certified teachers in the areas of
- Special Education
- Speech/Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Music
Technology Highlights
- Computer Lab
- Pads, iPods
- Computers on wheels
- Computers in classrooms
- SmartBoards
- Smart TV’s
- Document cameras and projectors in all classrooms
Special Activities
- IPBIS Celebrations are comprised of kindergarten through fifth-grade students, who work together on selected projects that build a sense of community within our school.
- Professional storytellers are invited to the school each year.
- Artist-in-Resident projects are held every year.
- Outdoor School is a favorite event for our fifth graders.
- Special art projects like knitting, weaving and pottery provide creative opportunities.