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Happenings this Saturday (April 13)

Posted Date: 4/09/24 (11:08 AM)

Dear Edgewood Community,

Two things that might be of interest and that didn't make it into yesterday's newsblast are happening this Saturday:

Edgewood Garden Work Party
Hello garden friends! We are planning a school garden work party for Saturday the 13th from 2-5.

Tasks will include:
Shoveling compost into the beds
Weeding bark pathways
Weeding garden beds
Chopping down/digging up a few pokey ornamental shrubs
relocating compost bins

Some tools provided, but please feel free to bring your own.

To RSVP, or if you have any questions email Laura at

International Cultural Service Program (ICSP) Open House
ICSP is a unique program where UO student recipients provide valuable cross-cultural exchange opportunities for our university and the local community. This program is vital to our mission of global education.

 The International Cultural Service Program (ICSP) Open House at Mills International Center (inside EMU on campus) on Saturday, April 13th, from 2 to 5pm.There will be a formal introduction of the program, followed by 2 standard presentations from ICSP members, and a dance workshop led by another member. A few members will be hosting different stations in the room to share cultural artifacts or activities and answer questions.
Here is the flyer for the open house