What the PTA has been up to…
Hi Edgewood Elementary Community,
I did not put out our “what we have been up to” newsletter last month. Here is what we have been up to since the beginning of 2025 and how you can help support all the students and staff at Edgewood.
We are slowly starting to get new supplies for the Edgewood garden. New gardening gloves and hand tools have been ordered. You can help with the garden by offering to volunteer in the spring when the garden will start to really be put together.
Snack packs continue to go out every Friday and we are supporting 30 children as of last week. This program supplies families with food insecurity a bag of snacks for over the weekend. If your family could benefit from this program please contact Tanya, our school secretary, at 541-790-8700. You can help by donating single serving packaged foods to the office or donating your time on Fridays at the school from 10-11am to help with the delivery of snacks.
OBOB is in full force and our students are getting ready to battle. Battle week is next week. OBOB stands for Oregon Battle of the Books and is about kids reading predetermined books and answering trivia style questions. The PTA members are running the show, and the PTA provides funds for the OBOB books. You can help by volunteering your time next month during battle week. Please sign up here to help out: OBOB Volunteer Sign Up
Please contact Julie C or Krystal E if you have questions at edgewoodobob@gmail.com
We have had a few requests from the teacher support fund this month. Courtney’s 5th grade class asked for some new books for their library, these books are the ones the students wanted, and you must love when kids want to read. Mary Fontenot is getting some new flexible seats for her classroom; kids love to be able to wiggle while they work. We have also approved funding for another year of Flow Reading which helps support students in their reading journey. You can help by coming to Fun Night and buying lots of tickets and/or biding on items at our upcoming silent auction.
Fun Night is fast approaching, and the PTA is working hard to get everything ready. Fun Night is April 25th from 530-8pm at Edgewood. We need the community’s help in making this event a success. You can help by becoming a sponsor of Fun Night, donating your time at the event and/or buying lots of tickets to enjoy the night of the event. Information about all the opportunities is available in our school news letters and you can contact Julie C at Edgewoodfunnight@gmail.com
We also have our annual auction coming up in the first week of May. You can help by donating items for the auction and/or by buying items at the auction. If you are a business owner or own a getaway rental we would love your support. Please contact Mehgan at edgewoodschoolsilentauction@gmail.com if you are able to donate.
Thank you for your support!
With gratitude,
Alia Nickel
Edgewood PTA President